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All information provided on this website is purely for informational purposes and does not constitute financial or investment advice. It should be treated as a mere contribution to the client. The primary objective of this information is to provide transparency in operations and assist the client in making investment choices.

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Tailor Partners Investment Advisor Ltd., registered under CNPJ No. 25.284.909/0001-40, is an investment advisory firm duly registered with the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission in accordance with CVM Resolution 178/23 (“the Company”). The Company has a distribution agreement for financial products with XP Investimentos Corretora de Câmbio, Títulos e Valores Mobiliários S.A. (“XP”), and may, on behalf of its clients, operate in the capital markets in accordance with current legislation. In compliance with CVM regulations, the Investment Advisor cannot administer or manage investors’ assets. Investing in shares carries risks, and past profitability does not guarantee future returns. When engaging in derivative transactions, there is a risk of losses exceeding the invested amounts, potentially leading to significant asset losses. The Company may undertake complementary activities related to the financial, insurance, pension, and capitalization markets, provided they do not conflict with its investment advisory activity. These activities may be conducted through the aforementioned legal entity or through a third-party legal entity. All services are provided with due segregation and in compliance with CVM regulations or other regulatory and self-regulatory bodies. For information and inquiries about our products, please contact your investment advisor. To file a complaint, please contact the XP Ombudsman’s Office at 0800 722 3730 or [email protected].